Selling a service can be harder than selling a product
Hot cinnamon donuts, steaming hot paella… fresh food, the smell of the weekend markets has hit me as I walk through those gates. Waft that under my nostrils and boom! You’ve got yourself a sale.
As I walk on down the market alley, a half-eaten cinnamon donut in one hand, wallet in the other, my peripheral vision catches the bright colours of a dream catcher – Oh I must have that! Relatable?
It’s quite clear that those selling tangible products are one step ahead of the game when it comes to appealing to customers. You could have me sold on an item in seconds after seeing it, but if you tell me you can braid my hair to perfection or pipe out the most beautiful henna design – how am I to believe you so quickly?
It seems there is a plethora of advice that can be found online that provides tips on how to sell tangible products, though very little information on how to sell something you can’t simply show your customer.
Here are some tips to get you started when selling a service.
Display your service as you would a product
Get creative! Your customers need to see that you know your stuff. Put together some detailed fact sheets about your service to hand out to customers. Frame or provide some photos of the results of previous services you’ve sold. Everyone loves browsing through photo flip books, and why not throw in a before and after comparison! Plus – it’s the easiest way to provide tangible evidence of just how amazing your service is!

Emphasize the key benefits of your service
Are the products you use organic? Are they handmade? Do you provide free consultations? Australian made? Write down a few points that you believe add value to the service you provide, and make sure they’re visible to window shoppers.
Show your service in action
3, 2, 1…Action! Show your service doing its thing! Whether it be by displaying videos on your iPad, conducting a live demonstration or free samples, there are many ways you can engage with your customers. Do you cater for weddings? Bring along some enticing taste testers, everyone loves cake!
Everything is better when it's free!
A competition is a sure-fire way to attract a customer’s attention. Not only is it a novelty to receive freebies, but the excitement that comes along with offering a prize is also a winner in the eyes of a customer.
Build a relationship with your potential customers
You may be a little disadvantaged when it comes to alluring customers into your store, though at least you’re one up to those that purely sell online. Use this benefit to your best advantage by building a relationship with your customers. Put a smile on your face, be enthusiastic and excited about what you do – though not too over the top. Wow your customers into trusting that you offer a reputable service. Remember – just like friends, customers also like feeling important and appreciated.
Mates Rates
Can your service be offered up in a package? Give your customers the opportunity to purchase more in a bundle, and save a bit of cash than they would buying them separately. They will appreciate getting more bang for their buck!